
Class Notes



Homework Solutions



Test #5

Test 5 will cover derivation in predicate logic, §8.2-§8.4, as well as proofs of invalidity, §8.5. There will be no translation. Here is a practice test, a bit longer than the actual test.

§8.2: I.6
§8.3: I.12
§8.4: I.7, 16
§8.5: II.7, 8, 9

The test includes an argument which is not labelled as either valid or invalid. You will be asked to determine whether the argument is valid or invalid, and then either to prove it, or to provide a counter-example.

To be clear, the test will have three parts:

Part I: Three valid arguments; provide derivations (60 points, 20 each)
Part II: Two invalid arguments; provide counter-examples (30 points, 15 each)
Part III: One argument; determine if valid or invalid, then prove or provide a counter-example (10 points)

For additional preparation, see the Practice Problems for Test #5 (and their solutions), which were distributed for homework.