Philosophy 101: Introduction to Ethics

Russell Marcus, Instructor. Email me.

Queens College, Spring 2006


My Quiz Policy


General Information

There will be at least twelve quizzes this term, perhaps as many as fourteen.

Generally, we will have quizzes about once a week.

Quizzes will be announced in advance, both in class and on the home page of the course website.

Each quiz will consist of one question, drawn from work we have done recently in class.

On days on which we have a quiz, I will put your quiz books on my desk in the front of the class when I come in. Get your quiz book before class starts.

I will write the quiz question on the board at the beginning of class. You will have five to ten minutes to write your response.

You need not write the question in your quiz book.

Please use space in your quiz book efficiently; start the quiz just after your last one, and use both sides of the page if possible.

Your quiz grade counts for ten percent of your final grade.


Preparing for the Quiz

To study for the quiz, first look over the recent lecture notes, which are posted on the course web site.

Since the lecture notes generally cover material in the textbook, your second step should be to work on the reading guides.

Try to integrate what you have learned from the lectures and lecture notes with your responses to the questions on the reading guides.



Each quiz will be graded from zero to ten.

Your total quiz score will be the sum of all of your quiz scores, with a maximum score of 100.

If and when you reach 100 points, you may stop taking quizzes.


Make-up Policy

There will be no make-ups of quizzes.

I understand that sometimes, some students will have difficulty getting to class on time, or at all.

For this reason, I provide more quizzes than any one needs to get a perfect score.

If you take most of the quizzes and do reasonably well on them, your quiz score will be fine.